MMeM, Vol. 9 Issue 19 – Schmiscal Cleffequester

…stick a fork in us ’cause We. Are. Done.

You REALLY lost me after fiscal cliff government people. I mean after that, how can you honestly expect me to get all up in arms over a SEQUESTER? What? Is that the best we could come up with this time? What, no Son of Fiscal Cliff? Or, The Mother of all Financial Cliff Dives or something?


Oh don’t get me wrong, there are people getting worried and upset. Namely, this time it’s more of the government worker types. But still, you really have got to do a better job of pacing your calamities and especially with the naming of them too. Sequester? No one understands that at all. At best, educated people think it has some reference to a jury trial but even then they still aren’t even in the same zip code as you intended.

You’d get more reaction by bringing back the bird flu, West Nile, or sending out the Triumph again for God’s sake. It’s things like this that just make everyone throw up their arms and feel that it IS hopeless and all IS lost. It’s over. We had a nice run. We made it to the moon, developed some good vaccines, made some great showings in more than few wars, and have run the gamut in the entertainment and sports venues but as far as Government goes stick a fork in us ’cause We. Are. Done.


Blogger, in search of humor, always. Writer of, formerly hosted on Blogger.